Pos Express
- 1 piece only RM4.50 (West and East Malaysia)
- Item delivered within 1-3 days
- Does not require signature, will be put in postbox if there is no one receiving the parcel.
- Safe for people staying in houses, but not secure for people staying in apartments or flats.
Pos Laju
- 1-2 pieces RM6 (West Malaysia) and RM8 (East Malaysia)
- 3-4 pieces RM8 (West Malaysia) and RM10 (East Malaysia)
- Items delivered within 1-2 days
- Requires signature, will be kept in Pos Laju headquarters if there is no one receiving the parcel.
- Secure for both people staying in houses and apartments because parcel will only be dispatched in the presence of the receiver.
Pos Malaysia only operates on weekdays and half a day on Saturday.